Guest post!

Sunday 22nd October

I thought I'd step aside for this and get a fellow blogger to post on here instead!

How to be a BAWSE by Lilly Singh

This isn't another Youtuber book and how they got to become "Youtube famous". How to be a BAWSE is a manifesto. Lilly breaks up fifty rich chapters into four areas; Master your Mind, Hustle Harder, Make heads turn, be a Unicorn. Each section covers a different area of going after the life you want. She takes readers through the highs and lows and doubts on her incredible journey. I have dog eared over fifty pages in her book and will read parts of this book on a regular basis. There is so much to this book. One of my many take aways was talking about shaping the environment around you. This includes what you eat, what you watch, who you surround yourself with, and even where you live. I use this daily with who I follow on social media, what videos and books I consume, and eating broccoli. I also applied this principle when deciding to work at Disneyland. I wanted to be closer to other creative minds and LA is THE PLACE for inspiring Youtubers like myself (and writing and authors like me too). A great read that I will add to the books I gift to others.

Youtube Channel: Nate Johnson

Twitter: AboveAvgNate


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